// source --> https://www.carniceriaonlinemlm.com/wp-content/plugins/uni-woo-custom-product-options/assets/js/uni-cpo-front.js?ver=3.1.8
window.Parsley.setLocale( "en" );
// additional Parsley validators
.addValidator( 'filemaxmegabytes', {
requirementType: 'string',
validateString: function ( value, requirement, parsleyInstance ) {
var file = parsleyInstance.$element[ 0 ].files;
var maxBytes = requirement * 1048576;
if ( file.length == 0 ) {
return true;
return file.length === 1 && file[ 0 ].size <= maxBytes;
messages: {
en: 'File is to big'
} )
.addValidator( 'filemimetypes', {
requirementType: 'string',
validateString: function ( value, requirement, parsleyInstance ) {
var file = parsleyInstance.$element[ 0 ].files;
if ( file.length == 0 ) {
return true;
var allowedMimeTypes = requirement.replace( /\s/g, "" ).split( ',' );
return allowedMimeTypes.indexOf( file[ 0 ].type ) !== -1;
messages: {
en: 'File mime type not allowed'
} );
function uni_cpo_clear_hidden_fields() {
// price calculation
jQuery( unicpo.selector_opts_all ).each( function () {
var $el = jQuery( this ),
elType = this.type || this.tagName.toLowerCase();
if ( elType == 'checkbox' && $el.hasClass( "uni-cpo-excluded-from-validation" ) ) {
jQuery( 'input[name="' + this.name + '"]:checked' ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).prop( "checked", false );
} );
} else if ( elType == 'radio' && $el.hasClass( "uni-cpo-excluded-from-validation" ) ) {
$el.prop( "checked", false );
} else if ( elType == 'text' && $el.hasClass( "uni-cpo-excluded-from-validation" ) ) {
$el.val( '' );
} else if ( elType == 'select-one' && $el.hasClass( "uni-cpo-excluded-from-validation" ) ) {
$el.val( '' );
} else if ( $el.hasClass( "uni-cpo-excluded-from-validation" ) ) {
$el.val( '' );
} );
function uniCpoIsNumber( n ) {
return !isNaN( parseFloat( n ) ) && isFinite( n );
jQuery.fn.uniNumVal = function () {
return parseFloat( this.val() ) || 0;
function uniIsInt( n ) {
return Number( n ) === n && n % 1 === 0;
function uniIsFloat( n ) {
return Number( n ) === n && n % 1 !== 0;
function uniArrayUnique( array ) {
var a = array.concat();
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i ) {
for ( var j = i + 1; j < a.length; ++j ) {
if ( a[ i ] === a[ j ] )
a.splice( j--, 1 );
return a;
function uni_get_var_obj_for_cond( type, slug ) {
var obj = {
fields: '',
main: '',
end: '',
start: ''
if ( typeof type !== 'undefined' ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'checkboxes' :
obj.fields = jQuery( '[name="' + slug + '\\[\\]"]' );
obj.main = jQuery( '[name="' + slug + '\\[\\]"]:checked' );
case 'radio' :
obj.fields = jQuery( '[name="' + slug + '"]' );
obj.main = jQuery( '[name="' + slug + '"]:checked' );
case 'date_picker' :
obj.main = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field' );
obj.end = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field-end' );
case 'notice' :
obj.main = '';
case 'notice_nonoptionvar' :
obj.main = '';
case 'heading' :
obj.main = '';
case 'divider' :
obj.main = '';
case 'google_maps' :
obj.main = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field' );
obj.start = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field-start' );
case 'range_slider' :
obj.main = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field' );
obj.end = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field-end' );
default :
obj.main = jQuery( '[name=' + slug + ']' );
return obj;
function uni_get_var_val_for_cond( type, $field, slug ) {
var val = {
value: '',
value_start: '',
value_end: '',
values: [],
duration: 0,
count: 0,
count_spaces: 0
if ( typeof type !== 'undefined' && '' !== $field ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'text_input' :
val.value = $field.main.val();
val.count_spaces = val.value.length;
var without_spaces = val.value.replace( / /g, "" );
val.count = without_spaces.length;
case 'image_select' :
val.value = $field.main.find( ":selected" ).val();
case 'palette_select' :
val.value = $field.main.find( ":selected" ).val();
case 'date_picker' :
var fieldDateFormat = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-format' ).val();
val.value = $field.main.val();
val.value_end = $field.end.val();
if ( val.value_end ) {
var fieldParsedDateStart = moment( val.value, fieldDateFormat ),
fieldParsedDateEnd = moment( val.value_end, fieldDateFormat );
val.duration = moment.duration( fieldParsedDateEnd.diff( fieldParsedDateStart ) ).asDays();
case 'checkboxes' :
$field.main.each( function ( i ) {
val.values[ i ] = jQuery( this ).val();
} );
val.count = val.values.length;
case 'google_maps' :
val.value = $field.main.val();
val.value_start = $field.start.val();
val.distance = jQuery( '#' + slug + '-field-distance' ).val();
case 'range_slider' :
if ( /;/.test( $field.main.val() ) ) {
var field_value = $field.main.val().split( ';' );
val.value = field_value[ 0 ];
val.end = field_value[ 1 ];
} else {
val.value = $field.main.val();
default :
val.value = $field.main.val();
return val;
// for palette select type option
var uniCpoTransformPaletteSelect = function ( selector ) {
var $dropdown = jQuery( selector ),
val_selected = $dropdown.val(),
dropdownName = $dropdown.attr( "name" ),
$dropdownOptions = jQuery( selector + ' option' ),
is_layered = $dropdown.data( 'layered' );
$dropdown.after( '
' );
var $list = $dropdown.next( '#' + dropdownName + '_list' );
if ( is_layered && 'yes' === is_layered ) {
var $layer = jQuery( '#palette-layer-' + dropdownName ),
$elWrapper = jQuery( unicpo.image_selector ),
$uni_cpo_main_image_layered_image = jQuery('.uni_cpo_main_image_layered_image');
if ( $elWrapper.length > 0 ) {
var layeredWidth = $elWrapper.innerWidth();
$uni_cpo_main_image_layered_image.css('height', layeredWidth);
$dropdownOptions.each( function ( i, el ) {
var $el = jQuery( el ),
elVal = $el.val(),
elColor = $el.data( "color" ),
elThumbTitle = $el.data( "imagetitle" );
if ( val_selected && val_selected === elVal ) {
$list.append( '' );
if ( is_layered && 'yes' === is_layered ) {
UniCpo.colorify( $layer, elColor );
} else {
$list.append( '' );
} );
//set first item as active on ready or highlight default value
if ( !val_selected ) {
$list.children( 'li:eq(0)' ).addClass( 'active' );
if ( is_layered && 'yes' === is_layered ) {
var $first_option = $dropdownOptions.first(),
first_opt_color = $first_option.data( "color" );
UniCpo.colorify( $layer, first_opt_color );
// update dropdown when links selected
$list.children( 'li' ).children( 'a' ).on( "click", function ( e ) {
var $aEl = jQuery( e.target ),
$liEl = $aEl.parent(),
val = $aEl.data( "value" ),
hex = $aEl.data( "hex" );
$list.children( 'li.active' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$liEl.addClass( 'active' );
$dropdown.val( val );
if ( is_layered && 'yes' === is_layered ) {
var last_slide_index = jQuery( '.flex-control-thumbs li' ).index( jQuery( '.flex-control-thumbs li:last' ) );
if ( jQuery.flexslider ) {
jQuery( '.woocommerce-product-gallery' ).flexslider( last_slide_index );
UniCpo.colorify( $layer, hex );
$dropdown.trigger( "change" );
// Triggers an event - certain colour selected
jQuery( document.body ).trigger( 'cpo_options_palette_select_selected_event', [ dropdownName, val, hex ] );
} );
// for image select type option
var uniCpoTransformImageSelect = function ( obj ) {
var $dropdown = obj,
dropdownName = $dropdown.attr( 'name' ),
$dropdownOptions = $dropdown.find( 'option' ),
val_selected = $dropdown.find( ":selected" ).val();
$dropdown.after( '' );
var $list = $dropdown.next( '#' + dropdownName + '_list' );
$dropdownOptions.each( function ( i, el ) {
var $el = jQuery( el ),
elVal = $el.val(),
elThumbUri = $el.data( "thumbimageuri" ),
elThumbTitle = $el.data( "imagetitle" );
if ( !elVal ) {
if ( val_selected && val_selected === elVal ) {
$list.append( '
' );
} else {
$list.append( '
' );
} );
//set first item as active on ready or highlight default value
if ( !val_selected ) {
$list.children( 'li:eq(0)' ).addClass( 'active' );
// update dropdown when links selected
$list.children( 'li' ).children( 'a' ).on( 'click', 'img', function ( e ) {
var $imgEl = jQuery( e.target ),
$aEl = $imgEl.parent(),
$liEl = $aEl.parent(),
$ulEl = $liEl.parent(),
valSelected = $aEl.data( 'value' ),
option_slug = $ulEl.data( 'option-slug' ),
$dropdown = jQuery( '#' + option_slug + '-field' );
$ulEl.children( 'li.active' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$liEl.addClass( 'active' );
$dropdown.val( valSelected );
$dropdown.trigger( 'change' );
uniCpoReplaceProductImage( $dropdown );
// Triggers an event - certain colour selected
jQuery( document.body ).trigger( 'cpo_options_image_select_selected_event', [ option_slug, valSelected ] );
} );
// for text select type option
var uniCpoTransfromTextSelect = function ( selector ) {
var $dropdown = jQuery( selector ),
val_selected = $dropdown.val(),
dropdown_name = $dropdown.attr( "name" ),
$dropdown_options = jQuery( selector + ' option' );
$dropdown.after( '' );
var $list = $dropdown.next( '#' + dropdown_name + '_list' );
$dropdown_options.each( function ( i, el ) {
var $el = jQuery( el ),
elVal = $el.val(),
elTitle = $el.data( 'suboptiontitle' ),
elTooltipTitle = $el.data( 'tooltiptext' );
if ( val_selected && val_selected === elVal ) {
$list.append( '' + elTitle + '' );
} else {
$list.append( '' + elTitle + '' );
} );
//set first item as active on ready or highlight default value
if ( !val_selected ) {
$list.children( 'li:eq(0)' ).addClass( 'active' );
// update dropdown when links selected
$list.children( 'li' ).children( 'a' ).on( "click", function ( e ) {
var $aEl = jQuery( e.target ),
$liEl = $aEl.parent(),
val = $aEl.data( "value" );
$list.children( 'li.active' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$liEl.addClass( 'active' );
$dropdown.val( val );
$dropdown.trigger( "change" );
// Triggers an event - certain colour selected
jQuery( document.body ).trigger( 'cpo_options_text_select_selected_event', [ dropdown_name, val ] );
} );
// for file upload type option
var uniCpoBetterFileUpload = function ( selector ) {
var $input = jQuery( selector ),
$label = $input.nextAll( 'label' ),
labelVal = $label.html();
// empties and re-validates
$input.val( '' );
$input.on( 'change', function ( e ) {
var fileName = '';
if ( this.files && this.files.length > 1 ) {
fileName = ( this.getAttribute( 'data-multiple-caption' ) || '' ).replace( '{count}', this.files.length );
} else if ( e.target.value ) {
fileName = e.target.value.split( '\\' ).pop();
if ( fileName ) {
$label.find( 'span' ).html( fileName );
} else {
$label.html( labelVal );
} );
// Firefox bug fix
.on( 'focus', function () {
$input.addClass( 'has-focus' );
} )
.on( 'blur', function () {
$input.removeClass( 'has-focus' );
} );
var uniCpoReplaceProductImage = function ( target ) {
if ( target instanceof jQuery ) {
var $dropdown = target;
} else {
var $dropdown = jQuery( target );
var $elImageContainer = uni_cpo_wc_image_container();
if ( !$elImageContainer ) {
return false;
var $img_link = $elImageContainer.find( 'a' ),
$img = $img_link.find( 'img' );
var uniDefDataObj = UniCpo.uni_cpo_default_main_product_image;
if ( typeof uniDefDataObj === 'undefined' ) {
console.info( 'Uni CPO: the default image or its container is not found! For more info please read the documentation: http://moomoo.agency/demo/cpo/docs/#faq' );
return false;
if ( $dropdown.hasClass( 'uni-cpo-exclude-image-change' ) ) {
return false;
var uniOptionDataObj = {};
uniOptionDataObj.fullimageuri = $dropdown.find( ':selected' ).data( 'fullimageuri' ),
uniOptionDataObj.imagetitle = $dropdown.find( ':selected' ).data( 'imagetitle' ),
uniOptionDataObj.imageuri = $dropdown.find( ':selected' ).data( 'imageuri' ),
uniOptionDataObj.imagesrcset = $dropdown.find( ':selected' ).data( 'imagesrcset' );
uniOptionDataObj.imagesizes = $dropdown.find( ':selected' ).data( 'imagesizes' );
if ( $dropdown.hasClass( 'uni-cpo-excluded-from-validation' ) ) {
var uniFinalDataObj = uniDefDataObj;
} else {
if ( typeof uniOptionDataObj.imageuri !== 'undefined' && uniOptionDataObj.imageuri !== uniDefDataObj.imageuri ) {
var uniFinalDataObj = uniOptionDataObj;
} else {
var uniFinalDataObj = uniDefDataObj;
$img.parent().attr( 'href', uniFinalDataObj.fullimageuri );
$img.parent().attr( 'title', uniFinalDataObj.imagetitle );
$img.attr( 'title', uniFinalDataObj.imagetitle );
$img.attr( 'alt', uniFinalDataObj.imagetitle );
$img.attr( 'src', uniFinalDataObj.imageuri );
$img.attr( 'srcset', uniFinalDataObj.imagesrcset );
$img.attr( 'sizes', uniFinalDataObj.imagesizes );
// Triggers an event
jQuery( document.body ).trigger( 'cpo_options_product_image_replaced_event', [ $dropdown, $img, uniFinalDataObj ] );
// source --> https://www.carniceriaonlinemlm.com/wp-content/plugins/pixelyoursite/dist/scripts/jquery.bind-first-0.2.3.min.js?ver=6.1.5
* jQuery.bind-first library v0.2.3
* Copyright (c) 2013 Vladimir Zhuravlev
* Released under MIT License
* @license
* Date: Thu Feb 6 10:13:59 ICT 2014
(function(t){function e(e){return u?e.data("events"):t._data(e[0]).events}function n(t,n,r){var i=e(t),a=i[n];if(!u){var s=r?a.splice(a.delegateCount-1,1)[0]:a.pop();return a.splice(r?0:a.delegateCount||0,0,s),void 0}r?i.live.unshift(i.live.pop()):a.unshift(a.pop())}function r(e,r,i){var a=r.split(/\s+/);e.each(function(){for(var e=0;a.length>e;++e){var r=a[e].trim().match(/[^\.]+/i)[0];n(t(this),r,i)}})}function i(e){t.fn[e+"First"]=function(){var n=t.makeArray(arguments),i=n.shift();return i&&(t.fn[e].apply(this,arguments),r(this,i)),this}}var a=t.fn.jquery.split("."),s=parseInt(a[0]),f=parseInt(a[1]),u=1>s||1==s&&7>f;i("bind"),i("one"),t.fn.delegateFirst=function(){var e=t.makeArray(arguments),n=e[1];return n&&(e.splice(0,2),t.fn.delegate.apply(this,arguments),r(this,n,!0)),this},t.fn.liveFirst=function(){var e=t.makeArray(arguments);return e.unshift(this.selector),t.fn.delegateFirst.apply(t(document),e),this},u||(t.fn.onFirst=function(e,n){var i=t(this),a="string"==typeof n;if(t.fn.on.apply(i,arguments),"object"==typeof e)for(type in e)e.hasOwnProperty(type)&&r(i,type,a);else"string"==typeof e&&r(i,e,a);return i})})(jQuery);